"fear NOT"

“ fear NOT . . . ” - by Becky Hull (a.k.a. Minsky)
(copyright June 2009)

WE cannot live through Fear,
BUT Fear can live through us.
IF we allow it .

POSSESSED by Fear, our lives are not our own .
WE cease to be our own selves .
INSTEAD, Living Dead puppets,
BOUND with filaments spun by Dread.
PULL our strings attached,
WE dance in Mindless Panic on command .

MERE tools to be used and abused and manipulated .
HELPING Fear grow stronger .
SERVING Its purpose perverted far beyond reason .
TRAVESTY of what once was survival instinct designed by Nature .
ALLOWING ancestors to survive,
PREVENTING extinction as a species.
NOW our Fear betrays us . . . mutated . . . contaminated . . .
“ WILD Animal ” part of us that would eat the rest of us alive .

SURVIVAL Instinct that’s gone feral,
FOAMING at the mouth with perpetual perceptual rabies .
PSYCHOTIC, amoral, Most Cunning Dark Creature of the Psyche,
SHADOW of Humanity . . .
SERVANT of the Anti - Mind .

I know You for Who and What You Really Are .
THE Signs are all there .
LET those who have eyes
UNDERSTAND what they see .

REPULSED by Love . . . The “ Water Of Life ” .
HEEDLESS of Beauty . . . nothing Sacred .
NOTHING safe. . . . after Innocence lost,
DESTROYING everything You touch .
YOU feast upon the Divine Spark within our very Souls .

BANE of Our Existence, I know You .
IF we allow You to roam free much longer,
YOU will be the Cause of our Extinction .

FENRIR, Primal Fear Incarnate .
TERRIBLE Wolf of Ancient Legend .
PROPHESIED to devour the Earth at the End of Days .
YOU are known by many names by many peoples .
YOU have many, many faces . . . all different, all the same .

I see You .

WHO let You loose on this unsuspecting world
TO stalk humanity far and wide ,
HERDING us like frightened cattle in a storm ?
NIPPING at our heels and the back of our minds ,
LIKE the rabid wolf that You are ?
STEALTHILY stalking us over Time .
DIVIDING the People into groups of “ Us and Them ".
THE same and different . . . but not really .

RAVENOUS Hunger, never satisfied .
CONSTANTLY searching the human herds for signs of Weakness . . .
THE “ Perfect Victim ” .
YOUR blood - chilling howls of triumph echoing louder in our minds .
PARANOIA creeping ever closer, closer, closer . . .
THROUGH coldest darkest moonless starless nights .

TREMBLING at Your approach,
HEADS bowed in resignation to an unkind and unjust Fate .
TOO many give in to Fear without a fight .

I defy You . Get out of my mind ! ! !

ARROGANT Leaders shamelessly use You
ALONG with our foolish tendencies to fear
WHAT we don’t understand and
HATE what we fear.
EASY to control then aren't we?
YOU isolate us in preparation
TO be held and used for their Cruel Amusement . . .
THE next Great Hunt and Harvest of Souls .

UNWILLING Sacrifices of Corruption and Greed,
FED to Fear, tormented by Need .
I have wept and tasted your salty, bitter tears .

TORTURED Souls beyond the counting,
I ’ VE heard your anguished cries for help .
SILENT weeping, pitiful huddles,
WAILING loudly Goodness knows .
WHILE wild howls and desperate shrieks
RING through the Lonely Night,
AND in my ears still ringing .

MY heart has bled like you and yours .
FEAR grabbed me too with icy touch .
AROUND my throat it coiled slowly squeezing .
I could not breathe, I could not scream ,
THEN It squeezed me tighter still and something deep within me
AN Egg of Preconceived Notions shattered,
RELEASING Hope to banish all Despair .

NO longer pliant puppet toy, no longer Sacrificial Lamb .
EMPOWERED by the Light of Truth .
NOW Something Different, Something More .
FEAR recoiled, confused,
TO find an easier prey to stew .

I did not let the Fear consume me .
ALAS before Hope was released tho,
CONFUSED, I let It take My Youth . . .
SMALL price to pay for Freedom for All
FROM Tyranny and Oppression .

POOR Victims of What Should Never Be . . .
I will Avenge you if I can .
GOD willing, if it is up to me . . .
I will cage the Awful Beast - In - Man .

DEEP within the jungles hidden deserted Mayan temples stand.
TOPPED with Sacrificial Altars,
GATES to Heaven closed forever.
TESTAMENT to the Folly of Man .

MIDST stone ruins crumbling ,
BUILT by people Hate infected.
LONG ago . . . now turned to dust .
CENTURIES later, I still see traces of. . .
FEAR’S blood - stained tracks
AT the Altar stones of Cruelty and Lust .

UNHOLY Fear, Abomination,
MOST people think the warrior priests of Maya
SACRIFICED their victims to blood - thirsty gods,
SOMETIMES to beasts .
NOT true says I .

TWAS You received the warm, still - beating hearts of
“ HONOURED ” Victims .
TRIBUTE and Reward for Your Obedience .
THINKING to tame and use You Fear,
THEY did not know You as I do .
YOU can not be tamed, for You are Evil through and through .
TOO late they learned to their Undoing,
YOU belong back in Your cage .

UNCHAINED Terror of the Mind,
ROGUE Defender of the Faith .
CREEPING close to Bethlehem ,
CAMOUFLAGED by Greed and Need.
SLINKING round in shadowed alleys,
CALLING the Faithful of Mecca to their knees .
HIDING within the cooling mosques,
WHEN sun goes down You roam the streets.
WHISPERING lies and half-Truths to those who’ll listen . . .
THOSE Poor Souls raised on meagre diets of
“ NOT Enough ” for far too long .

MARKED by Grief and brutal treatment,
WITH wounds unhealing, living in a World Gone Wrong .
FAMILIES shattered by wars unending .
NOW their Rage and Hurt
FERMENTING bubbles of Righteous Indignation .
FIRE FLOWERS in the Making,
SPOILED Fruit of Tragic Circumstances .
OF course they listened, who would not ?

EASY to convince them,
BLAME the Others for the Pains You’ve caused .
TERRORISTS completely Terrorised . . .
VENGEANCE now their Sacred Song they use to
CALL the Faithful to Prey .

INCENDIARY of the Blinded Faithful
WHOSE “ eyes for eyes ” no longer see .
PROVOKING Panic when you are able .
PREACHING Intolerance in variations .
INCITING Unholy “ Holy Wars ” and
JIHADS like swarms of angry bees with nuclear stingers,
CAUSING riots by the score .
YOU do not fool me any more .

I know Your Game, I know it well .
“ DIVIDE and Conquer ”, same old same .
I see Your tracks and smell Your spoor .
THEY are not the Enemy, they never were .
YOU are .

TROUBLEMAKER, Peace - Breaker,
POISONER of Dreams .
CORRUPTOR of Faiths ranging freely without restraint . . .
SAVAGING the People You were meant to Protect .
EVIL is as Evil does . . . Chaos You create .
WITH Your actions leaving Destruction in Your wake .
YOU would bring us all down like animals of prey . . .
AND destroy Creation if You may .

I deny You .

WITHOUT the help of Fear,
ARMAGEDDON could not be .
YOU are a self - fulfilling Prophecy of Doom
AREN'T You ?
WHAT will You do if and or when,
IN spite of all Your efforts to enslave Man . . .
SWEET Peace should chance to Bloom ?
WITH enchanting fragrance rare and Life Renewing .
HOPE’ S Delight ,
RADIANT in the brilliant morning light .
HERALD of the Sacred Dawn . . . Momentous Day,
WITH Love for All to guide their way ?
WHAT then oh Wicked Beast - In - Man ?
HOW will You inspire the World to embrace Mayhem,
AND lead us to Despair and Ruin ?

ANCIENT Fear, apart yet not,
COLLECTIVE Part of the Worst in Us,
YOU have no power over me .
I’M now immune to Your Poison Lies .
CAN’ T You see ?
AND I am not alone .

WE’ VE cut Your ties that painfully bind .
OUR minds are Free, our hearts are Strong .
WE know Your tricks, We know You’re Wrong .

SHAPE - SHIFTER wearing Devil’s Mask today ,
AND priestly robes tomorrow .
SOMETIME Power Hidden Behind The Throne,
YOUR face may change , but Your Essence doesn’t .
YOU stink of Evil whatever you do, wherever you go .

HATE - Made - Flesh, Beast - In - Man.
FEEDING on the Best in Us since Time Began .
YOU can not exist If We All Deny You ! ! !

BEHOLD ! ! ! We are the Children of Tomorrow .
REBORN from Strife and Pain and Sorrow .
PHOENIX Spirits One and All .
HERALDS of the Sacred Dawn .
CARRIERS of Brightest Hope are We . . .
PRECIOUS Flowers to set Man Free .
BLOOMING on the Edge of What Is and Is Not,
WE know Where Angels Fear to tread and Why .
GUARDIANS of the Inner Light that Shines
FROM Dusk of Long Dark Night of the Soul . . .
TILL glorious, glorious, Miracle Dawn .
HERE to Bind Thee Forevermore from this very hour .
WE Expose and Rebuke Thee Vile Fear for What You Really Are . . .
BE gone from this World anon . We do not want you Here.
YOU have no place in Heaven on Earth to Come .
GOD ’S Plan has Changed, You are Undone ! ! !


  1. I like your art very much. It has all the qualitity's I like. Your own individuality, a genuine need to say something. Great blog and art.

    1. Hi Edward,
      Thank you for the positive feedback. I know that this blog is rather obscure in the overall scheme of things as far as the Web and society in general is concerned. Goodness knows, I've had a lot of problems keeping the imagery visible on it (technical problems apparently) and making this site easier to find - still working on that. Yet, I like to think that the creative works I offer here are in essence "hidden gems" of intrinsic spiritual worth for those of us inclined to travel off the beaten paths, who are capable of seeing not just with their eyes, but with their hearts. Individuals like yourself who understand the differences between existing, surviving and truly living a life worth having.


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