
by Becky Jo Minsky (aka. Hull)
copyright 1990

On a hot, bright summer morning,
In the Garden Of The Gods…
While grasshoppers play “Hoppity-Clickety“…
Midst fragrant desert flowers, thickly carpeting the sand.
Where flocks of cliff swallows swoop up,
Then dive round the sandstone rocks…
Deep blue streaks swirling, twirling through the air…
Feasting on the insects there.
A game they play for hours and hours…
There, horny toads hurry-scurry on tip-toe over the hot, hot sand.
Hunting for ants to snack upon wherever they can.
As choirs of cicadas buzz shrilly ‘bout the heat.
They zing-zing So Loud…
They make the very air Vibrate…


D-o-z-i-n-g in the morning sun,
Great Spirit felt a Tremor in the air.
Magic Being Made Somewhere Near.
He stirred and yawned,
Bemused… Aware… He thought…
    “Dreamweaver is Making Something Special Today.
Better get up… go see what She is up to Now.”

Beneath an ancient Cottonwood tree,
Its waxy leaves shim-shimmering…
As they dance together in the warm, summer breeze.
The rustling leaves Whisper to the Summer Wind,
Talking ‘bout all It has Seen in It’s Far Travels.
They envy It and chat about the Day…
When the Autumn Wind will take them...
Here and There and Everywhere.

A curious lemur sits upon a branch.
Surveys the scene below him at a glance.
Bewildered, he Wonders how he got Here…
So Far Away from Home.
Transported as if by Magic.
He knows not How or Why.
Dreamweaver Knows.
She brought him Here…
For a Very Special Reason.

She sits within the cooling shade…
Cast by the giant Tree Of Life.
Working at Her Magic Loom of Time and Space.
Carved with ancient runes so Long Ago,
Most people don’t even Remember Why.
Archaic symbols start to Glow…
As She Works upon Her Newest Tapestry Of Dreams.
Intent upon Her Latest Work,
She does not care who Watches as She Weaves.
As long as they don’t disturb Her or interfere…
And they pay attention to…
What Is Important and What Is Not.

Her hands are deft, Her fingers nimble,
Moving quick as spiders on a web.
With Greatest Care, She Knots and Twists, and Binds Together…
Weaves a Pattern only She can Make.
All the Many-Colored “Threads Of” that She has to Use...
What Was, What Is, and What Will Be…
What If, How Can and Possibly…
Hopes and Fears and Stuff and Nonsense…
Love and Hate and Joy and Sorrow…
The Full Spectrum of Emotions for All Occasions…
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow…
Wishful Thinking…
Never In A Million Years…
All kept in basketful and pots beside Her.
As She Works, ever so softly, Dreamweaver starts to Hum and Sing…
A Haunting Melody Enchanting…

Of Fate and Hope and Fear and Passion…
Of Dreams Come True and Never Will Be…
 Of Cruel Destiny and Ugly Truths…
Of Wishes Granted and Prayers Unanswered…
Of Tragic Tears and Sleepless Nights…
Of Days Too Short, Love Burning Bright…
Of Bittersweet and Incomplete...
Of All That Might Have Been and Never Could Be…
Of Children Never Born and Never Would Be…
All Because Of What Was Done and Never Should Be...
Of Love That’s Found and Love That’s Lost Forever More…
Of A Widow Standing At An Open Grave, Marked By Grief…
Weeping Tears Of Joy And Sorrow…
Now and Tomorrow…
What Happens When…
Star-Crossed Lovers With Curses Binding…
Get Married, Then Try To Live...
Happily Ever After…
And In Between…
Of How To Set The Angels Free…
The Ones Who Didn’t Want To Be.

Behind Dreamweaver’s back, faithful Lynx stands guard.
Familiar Intuition… Keeper of Her Many Secrets…
The Ones She Knows and Ones She Doesn’t.
Watching all the Watchers Now,
Lynx Sees the Lovely Butterfly Approach…
Knows Great Spirit’s Messenger by sight.
Knows that Death and Loss and Sorrow…
All ride upon It’s lovely wings.
Lynx hisses so softly at the Unwelcome Omen,
Dreamweaver can not hear his silent growl. 
Lynx Warns the Butterfly to flutter by This Time,
 or be eaten on the wing.

“Dream-Ender do not disturb Dreamweaver.
Her Work is SACRED as you Well Know.
She is not finished yet.
Let Her Work with Peace Of Mind.
It is Her Right.
Don’t be unkind I say..
Just go away.
Your Time will come…
But Not Today and Not Tonight…
Not Tomorrow and Not Next Week…
Not Next Month and Not Next Year.
Come back after She is through.  Do you hear?
Mark my words, for there’ll Be Trouble…
If You do not go away Today.”

With that Warning,
Lynx prepares to spring,
Anticipates the delicious crunch of delicate wings.

Dreamweaver feels Her Guardian tense.
Disturbed, She Pauses in Her Work.
She Glances round the blooming desert,
Spies the Lovely Butterfly, then Sighs.
She knows Why It Is Here,
And fights the Urge To Cry.
Blinking Back Her Unshed Tears…
Her Heartfelt Pleas For More Time Left Unspoken,
Warily, She Watches as It flits about…
From satiny, desert bloom to bloom…
Flying iridescent jewel,
Messenger of Great Spirit…
Come Much Too Soon.

Beauty sipping nectar Here and There…
It flutters gently all around Her.
Lynx snarls at Its nerve.
Then It lands upon Her jet black hair.
Crawling up close to Her anxious face, so that only She can hear,
Then whispers softly in Dreamweaver’s ear…

“I’ve no wish to make You cry My Dear.
Its just the Time Of Change is coming near.
So I’ve come to warn You to Prepare…
 Gather the Memories that You May.
Weave them into Your Tapestry of Dreams…
To Cherish and last You through the Years.
Your Love’s Time is nearly up You see.
I’ll be back for Him in Two More Years.”
With that said, It dodged the angry Lynx...
That sprang at It with such a snarl,
To quickly fly Far, Far Away…
Too High to reach with snapping jaws,
Too Far to chase with razor claws.
Annoyed, Lynx sat and licked one paw…
As if to say “I chose to let It Fly Away.”

Stricken by this Dreadful News,
Dreamweaver bowed Her head in Sorrow.
Bitter Tears sprang forth, Grieving For Tomorrow…
Two Years From Today.
She Wept as She had Wept so often,
With all Her Heart and Soul at night.
When Her Love lay sleeping right beside Her, Dreaming…
Paler than the Moon's pale light…
Of Better Days When he was Strong and he Felt Right.
So Sick was he for Far Too Long...
Heedless of Her Hidden Anguish.

She Wept until She could not Breathe and had to Stop.
Wishing Her Heart to Do Likewise.
Even as She felt another Crack Growing Deep Inside Her… 
Snap and Pop.
Dreamweaver knew Eventually Her Heart would Break, 
But surely Not Today.
Then She wiped Her Tear-Stained face and Deeply Sighed.
Staring at Her hands that could Do So Much,
Yet could not Hold Onto…
What She Wanted Most In All Of Creation.
Distraught, Lynx Nuzzled and licked Her salty face,
Gazed into Her Sad, Sad eyes…
Purring Comfort for Her ears alone.

Great Spirit Felt Dreamweaver’s Pain…
Concerned, He Came To Her and Said…
“Widow Standing At An Open Grave,
Why do You Grieve So Hard?
Your Love’s Life Is Pain as You Well Know.
As long as he‘s a mortal man, It Will Always Be So.
Be Thankful for the Time You Both Have Together.
Don’t Dwell on What You Cannot Change.
Enjoy It While You can, As You can, When You can.
Enjoy It While You May.
Don’t let the Love that You Two Share be wasted.
It is a SACRED Gift I say.

The sun is shining, the birds are singing,
Fragrant blooms perfume the air.
The grass is green, the wind is soft and lazy…
Embrace Your Love.
Live In The Moment.
Time Enough for You Two to Go And Play.
Enjoy the Time You Two Share Together.
Enjoy It While You May.
The Winds Of Change won’t Blow through Here,
Until Two Years From Today.”

Dreamweaver glared at Great Spirit long and hard.
Her red, swollen eyes were Bright with stifled Rage and Pain.
She Did Not Want To Hear His Words.
She Knew the Storm would Come Someday…
And Bitterly Resented It.
It was Not Fair, It was Not Right.
It Should Not Be This Way!!!
Her throat was tight.
She could not Speak the Words She wanted to Say…
To Convince Great Spirit…
Not to let Lovely Butterfly Take Her Love Away.

In Utter Dismay, Dreamweaver Looked Back…
At Her Newest Work only Just Begun.
Tapestry Of Dreams Left Unfinished…
Now An Open Portal To Other Realms,
With Wild Magic Seeping Through the Tangled Threads Of.
Sparkling drips of Potential Scattered…
 Sprinkled on the ground…
Pooling where they Fell, then slowly Soaking Down, Down, Down…
To the Molten Heart of Mother Earth Far Beneath Her feet.

Deep In Despair at the Thought Of Losing…
All That She Held Dear…
The Creative Spark Within Her Began To Flicker, Began To Dim.
The Beauty that She Created in Her Tapestry Of Dreams...
Now Mocked Her, Now Seemed a Waste Of Time.
What Matter Now the Work She Did?
Her Heart Was Breaking, even as Her Love was Dying…
Cell By Cell and Day By Day.
What Matter Now the Work She Did?
It Did Not Matter Anymore.
Even As Her Love was Fading, Her Dreams were Dying .
Let the Tapestry Of Dreams Stay That Way!!!
As Unfinished as Her Life would Be!!!

Thoroughly Disgusted Now,
At What the Future Held for Her,
And All That Made Her What She Was…
Her Faith Betrayed…
Wounded To The Core By Fear Of Loss…
Dreamweaver Rose without a Word.
Then Turned Her Back Upon Great Spirit…
And Began to Walk Away.
No More would She Weave The Tapestry Of Dreams.

“I’ve Had Enough”, He Heard Her softly Say.
“If I cannot Have What I Want and Need,
Then No Longer Will I Stay and Weave.
What does Life mean to me Now?
No More SACRED Gift…
But just Another Day Closer…
To Losing Everything I Cherish.
I cannot Work This Way.

“Leave Me Alone.
Find Someone Else…
To Spark the Hearts and Minds of The People.
Kill Me If You Wish, I Do Not Care.
 I Will Not Work This Way.
I cannot Live without My Love…
My Heart’s Delight Is What I Need.
Without It I cannot Weave.”
Dreamweaver kept on Walking Away.

Appalled and Surprised at What He Heard Her Say…
In Consternation,
Great Spirit Looked Deep Into Dreamweaver’s Heart…
And Saw that She Meant Every Word!!!
Troubling Revelation!!!
He had Pushed Her Much Too Far This Time.
Too Late, He Realised His Big Mistake…
Too Late to Change What Was To Come.
Now Past The Point Of No Return.
For He had Promised Dreamweaver’s Love to Tragic Death …
Long, Long Ago… Before they ever even Met.
What To Do?  What To Do?.
He could not Go Back on His Word.

Yet if Dreamweaver Walked Away…
Leaving the Tapestry Of Dreams Undone…
There was No One Else to Do the Work,
That only She could Do.
Soon, It would Begin to Fray…
 Soon It would Unravel.
Then, without the Inspiration of Her Dreams…
 All the People He Created,
Would Soon Revert…
Becoming Little More Than Beasts…
Savages Beyond Reclaiming!!!

All His Great Work Wasted Now…
Due to His Miscalculation.
Great Spirit did not Count on Dreamweaver to Cease Her Work,
 Merely Because He Gave Away...
The Light that Warmed Her Heart to Lingering Death...
On a cold, Bleak and Fateful Winter’s Day...
So Long Ago, When jealous Death pouted and complained,
That She had No One Special with which to Play,
And Then begged for Dreamweaver’s Future Love "Or Else".
What could Great Spirit possibly Say Now to Dreamweaver…
To Make Her Stay and Weave the Tapestry of Dreams??

Then Thinking to Subdue Her,
To Manipulate Her Mind…
To Push Her Back Into His Thrall…
To Bully Her…
To Reach Her with His Mighty Charms...
Ends Justify The Means.
Angry Now, Great Spirit Roared So Loud…
Like Thunder Crashing in Wild Storm Clouds…
To Startle Her and Make Her Stop.

The Sound He Made, It Shook the Earth So Much…
The Winds Grew Still and Held Their Breath.
The Frightened birds Hid in the Trembling trees, 
And grassy fields that shuddered without a breeze.
The Timid Creatures Hid Within their Hidey-Holes…
The Brave Ones Hid in caves and dens and lairs…
Some Ran Away as Fast as they could Flee…
Some Hid their eyes, some dug Below.
The fish dared not Swim for Fear that in his Mighty Wrath, 
Great Spirit might Notice them and Then...
Dry up their dams and lakes and pools and ponds, 
Their rivers, oceans, waterways and seas.
Their mouths gaped open In Shocked Surprise.
Their eyes grew rounder and Dark With Horror…
 At Dreamweaver’s Audacity and Impending Demise.
Without a Pause, without a Look Behind Her…
No longer Caring if She Lived or Died…
Dreamweaver kept on Walking Away.

Great Spirit Shouted at Dreamweaver Then,
 As She slowly Walked Away from Him…
“You Know Not What You Do Today!!
After All I’ve Done for You?
You Dare Defy Me?
You Dare to Walk Away?
You cannot Leave!!  The People Need You!!
I Forbid You!!  Come Back Here!!
You cannot Do This!!!  Stop I Say!!
How Dare You Walk Away from Me?“
Determined not to be Abused, by mortal or Divinity… 
Dreamweaver kept on Walking Away.

Now in a Terrible Rage…
Great Spirit Followed After Dreamweaver….
He Reached to Grab Her by the arm.
Suddenly, with Gritted teeth, and fists Clenched Tight,
Dreamweaver Turned upon Her heel…
Her chin Held High, Her shoulders Straight.
Fearless… Full of Righteous Indignation…
She Gazed Right Up at Him without a Word,
Through eyes Stained Silver from All Her Bitter Tears.
Great Spirit Stopped and Stared at Her... Amazed.
His Heart skipped a beat Then, When He Saw…
All the Rainbows Swimming There…
Within their Liquid Silver Depths…
Like Bright trout Darting To and Fro.
Amidst the Shadows Of What Should Never Be.

Though Her Heart Bled Through Cracks Beyond The Counting…
And Pained Her More than She Could Say…
Still… Defiant, Proud and Strong was She.
Her Look Told Great Spirit that He was Wrong,
To Give Her Love Away To Death…
Without Regard for What She Felt.
And If He Forced Her to Return,
That It would Never Be Okay.
He had Misjudged What He could Do…
Had Pushed Her Further than He should.
And Now, He Realised All Too Late…
That He had Changed Dreamweaver’s Fate…
To Something Less than Meant-To-Be.
He must Undo the Damage if He could…
SomeHow… SomeWay…
Or She would Never Ever Stay…
To Weave the Tapestry Of Dreams.

With Heavy Heart filled with Regret,
Great Spirit Ceased His Ranting Then.
He Looked at Her with eyes gone Soft and Tender…
Unspoken Promises In His Piercing Gaze.
With arms Outstretched, He Reached to Hold Her,
Gently Embraced Her, and In His arms…
She Wept and Wept and Wept and Wept and Wept
like Never-Ending Monsoon Rains.

At First She Wept for Her and Her’s…
For All That Should Have Been and Wouldn’t Be.
 Then, For All the People, Young and Old,
Whose Hearts were Shattered By their Losses…
Like trees Destroyed in Sudden Storms.
Whose Loves were Taken and Grown Forever Cold…
For All the Children that Tragically Would Never Be…
For All the Beautiful Hopes And Dreams,
That They Would Never See Come True.

While Dreamweaver Wept and Sobbed in His Embrace,
Great Spirit Murmured in Her ear…
All That He would Do for Her,
And Promises To Make Things Right
As Much As He Was Able…
If She would only Stay and Weave,
Her Tapestry Of Dreams
For All Humanity to See and Share.

At long last, Dreamweaver Stopped Her Weeping.
She Dried Her Silvery Sad, Sad eyes.
Took a Deep, Deep Breath and several Tragic Sighs…
Then Nodded Her Assent to Great Spirit‘s Sincere Plea.
She would Return to Weave the Tapestry Of Dreams.

Two Years and A Day went by…
Dreamweaver Wove the Tapestry Of Dreams as She Agreed…
Played with Her Love Whenever She could.
On Days When She was Too Sad to Weave,
She sat and Watched the Sky…
Knowing that Lovely Butterfly would Return.
And on those Troubling Days Her Love would Say,
The Words She Did Not Want To Hear.

“I Want You to Prepare for Me,
To Leave You Soon My Darling Wifey.
You must Be Brave, You must Be Strong.
I do not Want To Die, I Want To Live with You.
But I must Go, for I’m too Weak…
The Pain Is More than I can Bear.
You must Prepare..
To Live Your Life Alone, My Dear.
Please don’t Be Sad,
Its just The Way Things Are.
But I Promise You Someday, Somehow…
That You will Make Peace with Your Pain.
That Someday… You will Be Happy Again.
This is Something that I Vow.”

Each Time He Said this, She would Cry,
And Nod Her head In Silence.
Each Time He Said this, She would Die Inside…
A Little More Each Time…
And a New Crack would soon Appear,
Deep Within Her Fractured Heart...
Held together by Hope and Need and Fear.
Then Dreamweaver and Her Love would Embrace and Sigh…
They would Kiss and Watch the Sunset “One Last Time”…
Then Hold Each Other Through the Long, Dark Night.
Asleep Together, They Dreamed They "Had More Time"…
To Do All the Things They Wished to Do…
“Happily Ever After“.

On a hot, bright summer morning,
In the Garden Of The Gods…
While grasshoppers play “Hoppity-Clickety“…
Midst fragrant desert flowers, thickly carpeting the sand.
Where flocks of cliff swallows swoop up,
Then dive round the sandstone rocks…
Deep blue streaks swirling, twirling through the air…
Feasting on the insects there.
A game they play for hours and hours…
There, horny toads hurry scurry on tip-toe over the hot, hot sand…
Hunting for ants to snack upon wherever they can.
As choirs of cicadas buzz shrilly ‘bout the heat.
They zing-zing So Loud…
They make the very air Vibrate…


Beneath the ancient Cottonwood tree,
Its waxy leaves shim-shimmering,
Dancing in the warm Summer Breeze…
Whispering among themselves…
The Butterfly is Coming!!!
Lemur sat upon a branch, and Hid his face within his hands.
He did not want to See the scene below him.

Dreamweaver sat within the cooling shade
Cast by the giant Tree Of Life.
At Her Magic Loom of Time and Space.
Carved with ancient runes so Long Ago,
Most people don’t even Remember Why.
Archaic symbols start to Glow…
Her Tapestry Complete She Waits.
For Lovely Butterfly’s Return.
Her Love lays Still beside Her, Barely Breathing Now,
He is Too Weak to Say Goodbye.
A Single Tear leaks From one Closed Eye.
They Wait for Death to Come For Him…
They Know it is Time to Say, “Farewell My Love”…
Its Time for him to Finally Die.

Behind Dreamweaver’s back, faithful Lynx stands guard.
Familiar Intuition, Keeper of All Her Many Secrets…
The Ones She Knows and Ones She Doesn’t.
Lynx Sees the Butterfly Approach and Bows.
He isn’t angry anymore.
He Knows the Messenger has Come At Last
To Take Dreamweaver’s Love Away…
Upon Its Lovely wings, and Leave All the Pain Behind.

Dreamweaver feels Her Guardian tense.
She Glances round the blooming desert,
Sees the Lovely Butterfly and Sadly Sighs.
Sick At Heart…
She Knows Why It is Here At Last,
And Fights the Urge To Cry.
Blinking Back Her Unshed Tears…
Heartfelt Pleas for More Time Left Unspoken.

And with the Butterfly’s Approach,
The Lemur Peeked Through his long fingers Then.
Suddenly he starts to Keen a Soulful Lamentation.
Not unlike a Banshee‘s Howl…
The Voice of Bitter Anguish…
Piercing Echo of Dreamweaver’s Grief.
Keening Louder with every Breath he takes…
The Sound Of Dreamweaver’s Heart-Finally-Breaking.

Summoned By the Lemur’s Tragic Cry,
The Winds of Change Began to Blow…
The clouds Grew Dark and Heavy With Dreamweaver’s Unshed Tears.
Dreamweaver Waited, Helpless, Filled With Fear.
Then as Butterfly Landed on Her Love...
Brilliant Lightning Flashed across the Sky…
Thunder Ripped the Heavens Open Wide.
The Storm clouds Wept for What Must Be.
And in that Instant Flash and Crash of the Sudden Summer Storm…
Butterfly Took Dreamweaver’s Love,
And Finally Set His Tortured Spirit Free… At Last…
From All the Pain His Body Suffered,
From All the Anguish His Mind had Known.
Then Dreamweaver Wept For Him Again…

At the End of that Terrible, Awful Day,
When “Happily Ever After” Died,
Dreamweaver climbed Up onto a cliff.
She Watched the Sunset All Alone.
The Evening Breeze Caressed Her cheek,
Tugged at Her hair with a Mournful Sigh
As If to Say “I Miss him too.”…
While Storm clouds Built Up High In the Sky,
All the Way Up to the Distant Heavens.
Flashing Lightning Lit the clouds for Hours and Hours After That.
In the Distance, Thunder Rumbled Its Discontent.
While Mad with Grief…
Dreamweaver Watched the Sky and Wept, and Screamed…
Then Cursed the Day that She had ever Met Her Lost Love,
While the Storm Winds Howled, and Shrieked Her Pain.
The Storm clouds Wept With Her Again and Again and Again.

On the Far Horizon…
Where the Storm Clouds were the Thickest,
Where the Lightning Flashed the Brightest,
And the Thunder Roared the Loudest…
A Promise Kept.
Though She didn’t Know it Then.
Blind With Grief… She could not See…
Through Her Heavy Veil of Tears and "Pity Me".

Late That Night, Dreamweaver Slept Within Her Empty, Empty Bed.
With an Empty, Empty Head,
And Where Her Heart Should Be…
A Black Hole Formed so Large and Vast…
Stars could be Seen Within.
Exhausted and Alone She Dreamed…
Of a Righteous Storm of Indignation,
Shattering the Sky with Angry Lightning.
Cracking Heaven’s Glass Ceiling Open…
Raining Brilliant Shards of Her Counted Tears Beyond Believing.

Collecting Into Pools Where Wisdom Grew and Bloomed…
Floating like waterlilies on the Surface.
Then Streaming, Flowing Into the Azure Sea…
 ~ The See Of Dreams ~

Down, Down, Down Into the Cooling Depths Below She Dived…
Amidst clumps of Glowing jellyfish Floating on the Tides Of Change…
Strangely-Coloured seahorses Prancing even as they swam on by.
Glancing at Dreamweaver Drifting Dreaming…
Like a piece of giant kelp, Through that Underwater Twilight Realm.
Tendrils of Her long black hair…
Twisting, curling around her head,
Like sea-snakes Swimming in the Currents of Now and Then.
She doesn’t Need to Breathe Down Here,
Can’t Recall the Feel of air Within Her lungs.
Still in Shock and Grieving, She doesn’t Really Care.
Her Silvered eyes See Everything there is to See Down There…
But She can scarce Believe What She is Seeing…

   The Hungry, Hungry sharks that are ever on the Prowl,
For giant green sea-turtles as big as buffalo cows, 
Perhaps to dine on tasty seals and the unwary swimmer...
And pods of light grey dolphins,
Jetting past Her like Greased Lightning…
Stop to Tease and Whistle…
At the Many-Coloured Mermaids Swimming in the Deep Blue See.
Their Siren Song and Laughter Healing.
While whales the size of mountains, Floating Upside-Down…
Sing-Song their Plaintive Melodies…
About the Tragic Man-Mistreated History Of Their Kind.
Where schools of so many Kinds of fish...
Twist and Turn as If One Mind.
And Brightly Coloured corals…
Growing on the ocean’s bed…
Look like brains from someone’s head,
Or lacy fans or long, long fingers Reaching For...
Something they Do Not Have.

As She Drifted on the Mourning Tide,
Dreamweaver Noticed Something Odd.
In the Shallows of the See Of Dreams...
There on the white, sandy bottom…
Something Golden Glinted, Where no Light should Be.
Curious, She Swam Closer to get a Better View.
Swimming Down to Where That Something lay...
Half-Buried In the sand.
As She Swam, Dreamweaver Heard...
A Mermaid Singing Somewhere Near.
But When She Looked around Her, couldn‘t See One Anywhere.
She Reached for the Shiny Something...
Tightly Clasped It in Her hand.
Then Pushed Off from the ocean’s Bottom…
Rising, Rising, Up and Up to Finally Breathe the Sweet salt air.

Surfacing At Last, Dreamweaver coughed See water from Her lungs,
Then took a Ragged Gasp and Began to Breathe Again…
Like She Never Had Before.
She Floated on the Surface of the Multi-Coloured See Of Dreams.
Idly Looking ‘round Her as she Floated There,
She Saw a nearby beach of white, white crystal sand...
Glistening in the sunlight...
Glowing in the Distance like a wet, white ribbon...
Just out of Reach, gently Floating on the See Of Dreams.

On the Beach, a Man lay Sleeping on the white, white sand...
Clutching Something Special in His hand.
Perhaps a Shipwrecked Sailor There, 
Perhaps a Pirate Marooned by Cruel Fate...
She could not tell and Puzzled More.
Too Far to See the clothes He wore.
She could not See His face, 
His head was Covered by a hat,
To shade Him from the hot, hot sun.
But as He Dreamed, His Tight Grasp Relaxed…
And that was When Dreamweaver Saw,
What the Sleeping Stranger Held in His Safe Keeping…
A Golden scale from a Mermaid’s tail…
Just like the Shiny Something Dreamweaver had...
Found upon the ocean’s Bottom,
And Now Tightly Held, Within Her Trembling hand.
When Dreamweaver Finally Woke Up,
From Her Strange Dream Of The Stranger,
In Her hand She Tightly Clasped…
A Golden scale from a Mermaid’s tail.
A Promise in the Keeping.
Synchronicity, Alive and Well.
Deep Within the Black Hole, Where Her Heart Once Was...
A Brilliant Shooting Star Streaked Across The Great Devoid.
Banishing the Darkness, Filling it with Light Once More...
With a Bright Promise of Yet To Be.
Dreamweaver's New Heart Began To Beat.

In the Garden Of The Gods…
While grasshoppers play “Hoppity-Clickety“…
Midst fragrant desert flowers, thickly carpeting the sand.
Where flocks of cliff swallows swoop up,
Then dive round the sandstone rocks…
Deep blue streaks swirling, twirling through the air…
Feasting on the insects there.
A game they play for hours and hours…
There, horny toads hurry scurry on tip-toe over the hot, hot sand…
Hunting for ants to snack upon wherever they can.
As choirs of cicadas buzz shrilly ‘bout the heat.
They zing-zing So Loud…
They make the very air Vibrate…

Beneath the ancient Cottonwood tree,
Its waxy leaves shim-shimmering,
As they dance together in the warm Summer Breeze…
The rustling leaves Whisper to the Wind,
Talking ‘bout Dreamweaver’s Strange Stranger Dreams.
Curious lemur sits upon a branch,
Surveys the scene below him,
With Wonder in his big round eyes…
Enchanted By What he Sees.

Dreamweaver sits within the cooling shade
Cast by the giant Tree Of Life.
Working at Her Magic Loom of Time and Space.
Carved with ancient runes So Long Ago,
Most people don’t even Remember Why.
Archaic symbols start to Glow…
As She Works upon Her Newest Tapestry Of Dreams.
Intent upon Her Latest Work,
She does not care who Watches as She Weaves,
As long as they don’t disturb her or interfere, and pay attention to…
What Is Important and What Is Not..

Her hands are deft, Her fingers nimble,
Move quick as spiders on a web.
.  With Greatest Care, She Knots and Twists, and Binds Together…
Creates a Pattern only She can Make,
For All The World To See.
All the Many-Coloured “Threads Of” that She has to Use…
What Was, What Is, and What Will Be…
What If, How Can and Possibly…
Hopes and Fears and Stuff and Nonsense…
Love and Hate and Joy and Sorrow...
The Full Spectrum of Emotions for All Occasions...
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow...
Wishful Thinking…
Never In A Million Years…
All Kept In basketful and pots beside Her.
As She Works, ever so softly, She Starts to Sing…
A Haunting Melody Enchanting…
The Song She Heard the Mermaids Sing Within Her Dream.

Of Wishful Thinking and Days we Rue…
Of How Grief Marks us, When we Love and Lose...
Of How Love Finds us When we Least Expect It…
And How Sometimes…
The Longest Journey Begins, Before You Even Go...
Of Trials in Travels and Tribulations...
Of Long, Dark Nights When Nothing Shines…
Except what’s In the Heart and Soul...
Of Snakes In The Grass…
How Long they Take To Shed Their Skin...
Of Everything Ventured and Nothing Gained...
Of Broken Vows To Never, Never Love Again…
Of What Happens When we Wonder as we Wander…
How On Momentous Days, Timing Is Everything...
Why we should Choose, Choose, Choose Now,
Instead Of Never, Never…
Of a Viking Warrior Waiting, Waiting In a Far, Far Distant Land…
Across the Shining See Of Dreams…
For a Woman He Has Never Seen…
As Real As the Unreal Can Ever Be…
To take Her by the hand...
Of How Star-Crossed Lovers With Curses Binding...
Can Break Their Chains With Faith and Love...
Of Hearts Mended and Hope Renewed…
Of Promises Kept and Dreams Come True...
Of "Happily Ever After"...
No Matter What...
Come Hell Or High Water...
Come What May.

As Dreamweaver Sings…
The Pattern on the Magic Loom takes Shape and Grows…
It seems to Hide the Truth Behind ~ Beneath.
Yet Through It, I can still See…
Somewhere In the Universe…
Where Galaxies Spin across the Great Devoid…
An Angel stands next to a Quiet Pool, with widespread wings...
Ready To Fly Free.
He Gazes at His Reflection Of…
Another Time, Another Place, When mortal man was He.

Behind Dreamweaver’s back, Faithful Lynx Stands Guard.
 Loyal Intuition, Keeper of Her Secrets.
The Ones She Knows and Ones She Doesn’t.
Lynx Sees Great Spirit Watching Dreamweaver.
He keeps His Distance Now as She Weaves and Sings…
He does not disturb Her as She Works.
It is Better This Way.
Lynx Purrs Contentedly.
Then licks one paw As If To Say…
“I Knew Things Would Work Out
SomeDay… SomeHow… SomeWay.”

Becky Jo Hull aka. Minsky
Copyright 21 November 2010

This Poem is in Loving Memory of my 2nd husband, 
Steven Craig Minsky…
An “Angel Who Didn‘t Want To Be".
Born 21 November 1955...
Pronounced Terminally Ill July 1985 at age 29, 
Three months after we were married.
He SUFFERED HORRIBLY for the following fourteen years…
During that Terrible Tragic Time, I Taught Steve All I Knew about Living...
He Taught me All he Knew about Dying.
Steve DIED A VERY BAD DEATH -  21 July 1999 - at the age of 43.
“Prisoner of War” in the “War Against AIDS“…
Unwilling Sacrifice to Apathy, Corruption, Greed and Ignorance.



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