"Through Sunlight And Shadows..."

Sat - 26 March 2016
On this Easter weekend, my thoughts dart through "sunlight and shadows" like a flock of swallows, as they feed upon what sustains them. Sometimes swooping over fertile fields of my imagination. Abloom with precious flowers of Hope.. They linger there more than often... to play with their "food". Flitting through the sun-warmed fragrance of sweet Memories... calm and happy times shared with beloved friends and family members during unexpected lulls between the storms. Of lazy, summer days filled with play and laughter that still echoes through the air. Of joyful times when I explored a new terrain on lands I thought I knew until then. Discovering Nature's wonders wherever I might wander. Always on "safari" hunting blackberries whether in season or not. Sometimes finding the fruits of my Great Expectations to gorge upon, like some wild beast of the woods and fields I played in at the Family Farm, when I was young and innocent as. Savoring the amazing taste of a purely delicious moment of my Eternal Youth, that I can still TASTE upon my tongue.

Sometimes my thoughts soar over wide expanses of concrete paving, cracked here and there from extremes unanticipated, and stressful factors. Surrounded by tall, towers of stone, glass, metal and concrete. Most that block the sunlight... hide the moon and stars we need to see to steer by. Though some reflect the lights well enough. Rigid monuments to Big Business, Foolish Pride, and Profit. Shaky foundations usually built upon the straining backs of the most vulnerable members of this society, and any other within grasping reach of those who prey upon the weak and meek. Structures of social conventions and concepts flawed... due to lack of compassion or a common sense of humanity. Much too often, that's the case. Though some are raised as testaments to High Hopes and Lofty Dreams. Not as many as there should be, I dare say.

A place where homeless individuals huddle. Too many other people who have the ability to assist them, but choose not to... pretend not to see their possible future selves... as they rush by intent upon their busy lives, hatching schemes to make themselves that much "richer". While in the shadows, or sweating in the blazing sun... Poverty-stricken victims sacrificed to Someone Else's Greed. Too tired to weep any more. Too hungry, thirsty, sick and weak to move... much less scream in righteous indignation like they should... at being treated in such a shameful way. Too confused from their betrayal by a society, that has systematically marginalized and exploited them. Milking them for what they were "worth", until there wasn't much left of them to squeeze. Now discarded remnants of what is left after "Progress" chews them up, then spits them out onto the dirty pavement, like so much debris. Living shards of wasted Potential and broken Dreams. There but for the GRACE of God am I.

 My thoughts streak past this essentially toxic environment. There are other things I need to SEE before I lay down to sleep tonight, perhaps to DREAM.

My thoughts begin to pick up speed. So animated and full of Life, they are a joy to watch. Swiftly turning and spinning with incredible agility. Almost faster than I can track them with my inner eye.

Where do I begin to make sense of the hidden order within the chaos of these fleeting impressions that streak through the sky of my uppermost mind?? They move so fast in front of my mind's eye. Blurred impressions of Good and Evil streak past me fast as thought. Like birds of prey chasing beautiful songbirds that I will protect if I may. Fly to me my beauties!! Fly faster than the Evils can.
When I look away from the concepts swirling around me, and pause to survey the inner landscape of my mind... I find Truths and Illusions hidden like Easter eggs among my preconceived notions of "what is real, what is not... what is truly important and what never really mattered. Some of these conceptual "eggs" glow with rich, vibrant colours. Gleaming in the radiance of my awareness. Sublimely beautiful and well worth keeping. But some are stale and rotten now. Spoiled and grown rancid. Of no use to anyone. They never really were, but I didn't know that then. Best left where they lie in the dark, and dusty corners of my mind. Where they will slowly decompose, or petrify over time, until I finally find enough focus and time, to declutter & detoxify that part of my conscious mind. Difficult to do right now. More pressing issues I feel the need to deal with and resolve if possible.

"Soon" I promise to myself...

I will make a holy pilgrimage to the See Of Dreams. I will walk along an endless beach, gathering found treasures washed up on the sands of Time. I will sit and watch the waves rush in and out... until a CALM washes over me. I will feel the salty wind BLOW through my soul. Let it CLEANSE my heart and PURIFY my mind. Then when the seagulls gather for a feast... screeching "Mine!! Mine!! Mine!!". I'll cast my rotten Easter eggs upon the beach and in the See...the ones that I no longer wish to keep. I know that seagulls eat almost anything. Whatever they miss, the crabs will take.

A comforting thought. Now time to sleep. The Easter Bunny draws nigh, with a basketful of brand-new Treats.

Happy Easter to all, wherever you may sleep tonight. Whether in a soft and comfy bed, behind closed doors, all safe and sound. In a loved one's embrace or by yourself. Or locked within a prison cell framed for crimes you are innocent of. Whether under a bridge on cold concrete. Or upon a bench within the park. Or in the alleyway in your sleeping bag. Or on the night train, going round and round to nowhere in particular. Wherever you may sleep this night upon the Edge Of Nothing underneath the stars you cannot see... God watches over all of us. Sometimes for Reasons we cannot understand, when we WISH that He would ACT instead. Though the night may be long, and cold and dark. Try not to fear. Try not to hate, or give in to Despair. Tomorrow dawns another Momentous Day. As long as we are still alive, MIRACLES can happen. Just wait and see.

Becky Jo Hull aka Minsky



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