
Showing posts from September, 2010

"At The Threshold Of Tomorrow"

"At The Threshold Of Tomorrow" by Becky Jo Minsky (aka. Hull) copyright 1990 Through the Desert of Despair,  I have often WONDERED as I WANDERED . . . About the Beauty and the Ugliness I SEE everywhere I go. About all the Joys and Sorrows I've experienced in My Travels. I THINK and then I SIGH.  About how most people rarely KNOW . . . Just how much that what we DO and THINK  AFFECTS the World At Large. How often we can CHANGE things for the BETTER If we will only TRY. Yes, some CHANGES are only temporary,  Ephemeral at best . . .  Like a pebble tossed into a pool,  depending on the size . . . Making RIPPLES on the surface ever larger Till they reach the other side,  Maybe bouncing back a few more times until ALL is as it was Before.  Like a SHOUT into a canyon,  The VIBRANT ECHOES keep on going for awhile . .  But then eventually they all FADE. Like welcome clouds that block the blazing sun,  Sooner or later they all drift away. Like Our Footprints on the Sands Of Time,


“Hope” by Becky Jo Minsky (aka. Hull) copyright 1987  Amidst the Winter Of Our Discontent,  A young girl wanders through the snow. Lightly clad in thin garment, her arms and feet are bare. Yet she does not feel the icy wind, she does not fear the cold. She does not worry how she’ll fare, by the time that she grows old. Her heart is PURE, her mind SERENE, Her eyes SEE the BEAUTY in everything. Her laughter ECHOES in the air . . . Precocious girl . . .  Hope is such a playful child. “Do not worry” Time tells her, “it will not always be so Cold.” Someday the Spring will come again, so ENJOY the World as it is Today. Build a snowman and if you wish . . . Make snow-ice cream for a special dish. Let’s have a Party, and invite your friends . . . PLAY Winter Games that you cannot play, When Spring comes to us again. What a wonderful suggestion!! Hope stands still, her PATIENCE REWARDED. . . DELIGHTED when each perfect snowflake in the icy wind,  Begins to dance around he

" I ~ Eye Of The Storm "

“ I ~ Eye Of The Storm ” by Becky Jo Minsky (aka. Hull) (copyright 1987)  She is the little voice that whispers in my ear . . .“What if. . . . . . you turn right instead of go straight ? ” . . . stop here and take the time to SEE what makes this place so SPECIAL, what makes this person UNIQUE? ” . . . try it this way instead of that ? ” . . . LOOK up here, LOOK down there ? ” . . . WHAT IF YOU MAKE THIS HAPPEN ? “ She counsels me . . . "STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK. RECONSIDER when you need to . . .  Make PEACE with your Pain . . . BE BRAVE when you must, in spite of your Fears . . . “DON’T PANIC . . .  FEAR NO EVIL . . .  HAVE  FAITH  . . .  BE YOURSELF . . . PERSEVERE in spite of all Obstacles . . . RECOGNISE Synchronicity for What It Is. Don't fight it, let it FLOW through you. DARE TO DREAM , DARE TO REACH FOR IT, DARE TO LIVE THE DREAM. She counsels me when to CHOOSE, CHOOSE, CHOOSE NOW. SHE REMINDS ME WHO I AM AND AM NOT. She encourages me to be

"Refuse To Despair"

“Refuse To Despair” by Becky Jo Minsky (aka. Hull) (copyright 2007) Where does Inspiration come from? Someone once wrote… “we receive confirmation from the world around us”. We can find Inspiration wherever we go, whenever we need guidance. However, finding Inspiration is not nearly as important as listening to the message that Inspiration brings to our awareness and the effect it has upon us and the world we live in. Someone once wrote… “ We must cultivate Hope like precious flowers”. I don’t know who wrote that inspirational sentence, but I am grateful to that person for reminding me of what is important. Inspiration cultivates Hope. Why bother? Because Hope blooms between the darkness of the long "Dark Night of the Soul" and the "Dawn of a Momentous Day". Hope gives us strength when we need it most to endure and persevere in our endeavours, feeling our way as we go through the long Dark Night of the Soul when it is so hard to find